Schrijver, Karel [Herausgeber]:
Heliophysics : active stars, their astrospheres, and impacts on planetary environments
Signatur: 6.1 HEL
Tallents, G. J.:
An introduction to the atomic and radiation physics of Plasmas
Signatur: 5.11 TAL
Krüger, Timm:
The Lattice Boltzmann method : principles and practice
Signatur: 5.18 KRÜ
Grupen, Claus:
Einstieg in die Astroteilchenphysik : Grundlagen, Messungen und Ergebnisse aktueller Forschung
Signatur: L GRU
Neuenschwander, Dwight E:
Emmy Noether's wonderful theorem
Signatur: S NEU
Schehr, Grégory [Hrsg.]:
Stochastic processes and random matrices : lecture notes of
the les Houches Summer School : volume 104, 6th - 31st July
Signatur: 4.5 STO
Fortescue, Peter W. [Hrsg.]:
Spacecraft systems engineering
Signatur: 6.1 SPA
Stroth, Ulrich:
Plasmaphysik : Phänomene, Grundlagen und Anwendungen
Signatur: 5.11 STR
Lemons, Don S.:
A student's guide to dimensional Analysis
Signatur: L LEM
Spatschek, Karl-Heinz:
Astrophysik : eine Einführung in Theorie und Grundlagen
Signatur: 6.1 SPA
Carfora, Mauro:
Quantum triangulations : moduli space, quantum computing, non-linear sigma models and Ricci flow
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Lista, Luca:
Statistical methods for data analysis in particle physics
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Franchini, Fabio:
An introduction to integrable techniques for one-dimensional quantum systems
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Raby, Stuart:
Supersymmetric grand unified theories
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Rother, Tom:
Green's functions in classical physics
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Altarelli, Guido:
Collider physics within the standard model
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Hjorth-Jensen, Morten:
An advanced course in computational nuclear physics
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Sofue, Yoshiaki:
Galactic radio astronomy
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Ydri, Badis:
Lectures on matrix field theory Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Reames, Donald V.:
Solar energetic particles
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Cahangirov, Seymur:
Introduction to the physics of silicene and other 2D materials
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Rangamani, Mukund:
Holographic entanglement entropy
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Naaijkens, Pieter:
Quantum spin systems on infinite lattices
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Krone, Dieter Michael:
Krones kleines Handbuch der Papierfliegerei
Signatur: S KRO