Astronomie und Astrophysik
Bennett, Jeffrey:
Astronomie : die kosmische Perspektive LL BEN |
Carroll, Bradley W.:
An introduction to modern astrophysics LL CAR |
Conti, Peter S.:
From luminous hot stars to starburst galaxies LL CON |
Demtröder, Wolfgang:
Experimentalphysik Bd. 4. Kern-, Teilchen- und Astrophysik LL DEM |
Draine, Bruce T.:
Physics of the interstellar and intergalactic medium LL DRA |
Karttunen, Hannu [Hrsg.]:
Fundamental astronomy LL FUN |
Gaisser, Thomas K.:
Cosmic rays and particle physics LL GAI |
Harwit, Martin:
Astrophysical concepts LL HAR |
Hawley, John F.:
Foundations of modern cosmology LL HAW |
Lambourne, Robert J.:
Relativity, gravitation and cosmology LL LAM |
Lamers, Henny J. G. L. M.:
Introduction to stellar winds LL LAM |
Léna, Pierre:
Observational astrophysics LL LEN |
Lequeux, James:
The interstellar medium LL LEQ |
Prialnik, Dina:
An introduction to the theory of stellar structure and evolution LL PRI |
Schmitz, Norbert:
Neutrinophysik LL SCHM |
Schneider, Peter:
Einführung in die extragalaktische Astronomie und Kosmologie LL SCHN |
Schneider, Peter:
Extragalactic astronomy and cosmology an introduction LL SCHN |
Serjeant, Stephen:
Observational cosmology LL SER |
Sigl, Günter:
Astroparticle physics : theory and phenomenology LL SIG |
Sparke, Linda S.:
Galaxies in the universe : an introduction LL SPA |
Stanev, Todor:
High energy cosmic rays LL STA |
Thorne, Kip:
The science of interstellar LL THO |
Unsöld, Albrecht:
Der neue Kosmos LL UNS |
Weigert, Alfred:
Astronomie und Astrophysik : ein Grundkurs LL WEI |
Zuber, Kai:
Neutrino physics LL ZUB |