Amsler, Claude:
The quark structure of hadrons : an introduction to the phenomenology and spectroscopy
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Scheidenberger, Christoph [Herausgeber]:
The Euroschool on exotic beams - Volume 5
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Bilenʹkij, Samoil Michelevič:
Introduction to the physics of massive and mixed neutrinos
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Webb, Gary:
Magnetohydrodynamics and fluid dynamics : action principles and conservation laws
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Satz, Helmut:
Extreme states of matter in strong interaction physics : an introduction
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Flori, Cecilia:
A second course in topos quantum theory
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Sánchez, Raúl:
A primer on complex systems : with applications to astrophysical and laboratory Plasmas
Signatur: 2.3 LEC
Modler, Florian:
Tutorium Analysis 1 und Lineare Algebra 1 : Mathematik von Studenten für Studenten erklärt und kommentiert
Signatur: L MOD
Courant, Richard:
Methoden der mathematischen Physik, Bd.2
Signatur: LL COU
Courant, Richard:
Methoden der mathematischen Physik, Bd.1
Signatur: LL COU
Meyberg, Kurt:
Höhere Mathematik
Bd. 2: Differentialgleichungen, Funktionentheorie,Fourier-Analysis, Variationsrechnung
Signatur: LL MEY
Meyberg, Kurt:
Höhere Mathematik
Bd. 1: Differential- und Integralrechnung, Vektor- und Matrizenrechnung
Signatur: LL MEY
Maggiore, Michele:
Gravitational waves
Bd. 1: Theory and experiments
Signatur: 5.6 MAG
Maggiore, Michele:
Gravitational waves
Bd. 2: Astrophysics and cosmology
Signatur: 5.6 MAG