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FDM - ReSeeD - Managing, archiving, and publishing research data | Online, engl.

ReSeeD, the central research data repository of Ruhr University Bochum, offers a comprehensive infrastructure for research data management. The repository covers various use cases (e.g. metadata assignment, role and rights management, collaborative work) and is suitable for different types of data.

In this workshop, you will explore

  • the basic functionalities of ReSeeD.
  • how to manage and store your data in ReSeeD - from the creation of datasets, collaboration and sharing of datasets, to their archiving and publication.
  • You will gain hands-on experience with ReSeeD, allowing you to directly apply what you've learned.

Participants without a RUB-LoginID can get access to ReSeeD via a free ORCID-iD.

There are no prerequisites for participation.

Further training offers from the Research Data Services team can be found here.


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