
DH Space officially opened!

On April 19, the DH Space was officially inaugurated, which serves as a place for exchange and networking for all those interested in DH from research and teaching on the Ruhr University Bochum campus.

The opening ceremony began with a welcome address by Library Director Dr. Jörg Albrecht, who emphasized the relevance of this new space for the DH community. Sonja Rosenberger, Coordinator of the Digital Humanities Centers (DHC), emphasized the multifunctional nature of the space as a response to the needs of those interested in DH on campus in her short speech. This was followed by a brief introduction of DH stakeholders from teaching, research and infrastructure facilities at RUB. Prof. Frederik Elwert (CERES / NDH: Netzwerk Digital Humanities), Sebastian Jeworutzki (Methodenzentrum), as well as Anne Heilig and Oliver Deck (Freiraum-Projekt DH-Ruhr) highlighted the importance of DH Space from their respective perspectives.

In addition to a lively exchange among the members of the DH community, the new devices available in the DH Space were also presented. These include three loaner laptops and a smartboard that can be used for DH projects and activities. The DH Space thus offers an innovative and inspiring environment for the promotion of digital humanities at Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

Interested parties can now book the DH Space for their own DH projects. Bookings can be made at Simply follow the blue neon sign!

Johanna Wrede pointing at smartboard
©DHC, RUB.jpg: Johanna Wrede (DHC) presents the new smartboard.

Photography news: ©DHC, RUB.jpg
Photography news overview: © RUB, Rosenkranz

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