Borrowing conditions

Would you like to borrow media from the University Library, the IB Library or the IC Library? The following conditions apply here. All other departmental libraries have their own conditions.


You will need the free "RUB Bib" app to borrow items. A library card in the conventional sense is no longer issued. You can log in to the app with your RUB LoginID and the corresponding password.

You can generate a barcode in the app, the validity of which is limited to 4 hours. If you do not have a smartphone, you can obtain your barcode at the information/service desk.

The barcode is assigned to your library account and may not be passed on to unauthorized persons. We accept no liability for loans made in your name due to the loss of this barcode. Please inform us immediately if you lose your barcode so that it can be blocked.

As soon as you have your barcode, you can use the green self-checkout machines during the library's opening hours. You can decide whether a loan receipt should be printed or sent to you by e-mail. If we borrow items for you at the information/service desk, you will only receive a loan receipt by e-mail.

The following media can only be borrowed at the information/service desk (see service hours):

  • Legal commentaries
  • Media supplied via interlibrary loan
  • Media that have been suggested for acquisition

Further information on lending periods can be found in the library account. Each user is responsible for adhering to the loan periods.

Borrow by authorized persons

To protect our users against misuse, we only borrow items to the owner of the barcode. However, if an authorized person is to borrow something, the following requirements must be met::

  • The authorized person must present a one-time valid power of attorney signed by the client in his/her own hand. This power of attorney must name the authorized person and must be issued for the specific individual case. The authorized person must provide photo identification.

  • RUB academics can issue an assistant with a blanket authorization limited to the duration of the assistant's employment. Authorized persons are noted internally in the system as "proxy users" for the period of validity of the authorization and can borrow items from the authorizer's library account using their own "RUB Bib" app.
    Please note: Unfortunately, we were unable to transfer the authorizations from the old library system to the new library system. We therefore ask you to fill out the form again and send it to us.

If a loan is made by the authorized person, the person granting the authorization will receive an e-mail.

Lending periods and extensions for media at the University Library
  • Lending period
    Basic lending period = 28 calendar days
    Public holidays and days on which the University Library is closed for other reasons are automatically skipped.

  • Manual renewal
    Before the loan period expires, you can repeatedly extend the loan period by 28 calendar days. Either present the book in the library or manually extend the loan period in your library account.
    There are no automatic lending period extensions! If your book is reserved by other users, an extension is not possible.

  • Reminder levels
    Fees are incurred if the lending period is exceeded. All calendar days count when calculating the reminder levels!

    Example: The lending period ends on 11 May
    Reminder level 1 (deadline exceeded by a maximum of 10 days) = 12 May to 21 May
    Reminder level 2 (11 to 20 days overdue) = 22 May to 31 May

Interlibrary loan
  • Collection period
    8 calendar days (excluding public holidays): the exact date can be found in the e-mail sent to you.

    Important: Even in the case of interlibrary loan deliveries for the reading room (= not available for loan), the item must be credited to the library account within the collection period. Otherwise the material will be returned.

  • Lending period
    28 calendar days (excluding public holidays)

    Exception: prior determination of the shortened loan period by the supplying library.
    In general, loan periods for interlibrary loans are always subject to change. The supplying library may reclaim items at any time without giving reasons.

  • Extension
    Deadline extensions are only granted on request: by telephone on 0234 32 26461 or by e-mail.
Return options
  • Returning media on site

    You can return media in the "Media Return" room in the University Library, left entrance area by the cloakroom lockers. Return machines and return boxes are available during library opening hours. You can also authorize a person you trust to return media. No special authorization is required for this.

    When returning items, you can decide whether a return slip should be printed or sent to you by e-mail. If the return is made at the information/service counter, you will only receive a return receipt by e-mail. In both cases, please check the return receipt for accuracy and completeness. It serves as proof that the item has been returned on time. The return can also be checked via the library account.

    Important: Items that have been delivered via interlibrary loan can be returned at the information/service desk (see service hours) or via the return box and not at the return machine. A return receipt will only be sent by e-mail when returning items via the information/service desk.

  • Return by post

    If you are unable to return the media during the specified times or have them returned by a person you trust, you can also send them to us by post with the appropriate postage paid:

    Ruhr-Universität Bochum
    Abt. Benutzungsdienste
    z. H. Herrn Althaus/Herrn Krampe
    Universitätsstr. 150
    44801 Bochum

To place a hold on borrowed items, log in to your library account. Then click on the "Reserve" link in the full display for the desired title. As soon as the item is returned and ready for you, you will receive an e-mail notification and have 8 calendar days to collect the item. You will find the reserved books organized by shelfmark on the collection shelf next to the information/service desk.

Once the collection period has expired, the item will be returned to the shelf or made available for the next person who has reserved it. A reservation can be cancelled in the library account as long as the reserved item is not yet available for collection.

Logging into your library account

In the library account you can view loans and fees and extend loan periods. This requires a personal login with your LoginID and password.

RUB students and employees will find their RUB LoginID on the documents they receive when they enrol or start their employment. External users will receive a LoginID when registering at the University Library. An e-mail address is required for registration! A verification link will be sent to this e-mail address, which can be used to set a password for the library account.

Would you like to change your password?

If you know your current password, you can change it here. Log in with your LoginID and the password that is still valid and select "Change password". It can take up to 30 minutes until the new password is valid.

Have you forgotten your password?

RUB students and employees have two options:

  • Do you have a mobile phone number stored in your account? Then you can reset your password yourself here.
  • You do not have a mobile phone number in your account? In this case, please send the form with a copy of your identity card to the IT.SERVICES service centre. Please note the data protection information on the form.

This option is available to external users:

  • External users can receive a verification code to set a new password. To do this, come to the information/service desk during service hours, call us on 0234 32 26461 or send us an e-mail:
Your library account is blocked?

The library account is automatically blocked when the fee amount of 25 euro has been reached. In order for the borrowing, renewal and reservation functions to be reactivated, you must first pay the fees at the automatic pay station (EC payment only) in the University Library or transfer the amount using the following details:

Ruhr-Universität Bochum
IBAN   DE19 4305 0001 0001 2200 11
Note surname, first name
AND 1302110001*
*Intended use/financial centre

Please note: The interlibrary loan fee must be paid within 6 weeks. If this is not done, you will receive a reminder.