
Organ donation information terminal in the UB

Recently and until the end of the year, an organ donation information terminal has been installed in the entrance area of the University Library right next to the security gates. It offers the opportunity to obtain detailed information about organ donation and to print out an organ donor card. The terminal is a project of Netzwerk Organspende NRW e.V. with financial support from the Ministry of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of North Rhine-Westphalia.

The information terminal was set up in the run-up to the traveling exhibition "Leben schenken - Organspende in NRW", which will be on display on level 1 of the University Library from August 1, 2024. With images by Dortmund photographer Benedikt Ziegler, this traveling photo exhibition shows human destinies and stories behind the numbers of organ donations, transplants, laws and waiting lists. The exhibition is organized by Netzwerk Organspende NRW e. V. in cooperation with the Bochum medical student working group "Aufklärung Organspende, Lokalgruppe Bochum".


Fotografie Newsübersicht: © Netzwerk Organspende NRW e. V. / © RUB, Stekanov

| by Sergey Stekanov

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