Bochum University Library charges fees (late fees and administrative fees) on the basis of the scale of fees for library services. Fees may be reduced or waived in exceptional cases at the request of the user. Please send applications for a reduction or waiver of fees to:
Reminder level 1 = up to 10 calendar days overdue
Late fee = 2 € per borrowed media unit
Users will be notified by e-mail.
Reminder level 2 = 11 to 20 calendar days overdue
Overdue fee = additional 3€ per borrowed media unit (total 5€ per medium)
Users will receive a reminder from us by e-mail.
Reminder level 3 = 21 to 30 calendar days overdue
Late fee = additional 5€ per borrowed media unit (total 10€ per medium)
Users will receive a reminder from us by e-mail.
Reminder level 4 = 31 to 40 calendar days overdue
Late fee = additional 10€ per borrowed media unit (total 20€ per medium)
All users will receive a reminder by e-mail. An additional return request is always sent by letter for legal reasons.
Interlibrary loan requests in the German Interlibrary Loan System
Interlibrary loan requests in international lending
If you have lost or damaged a borrowed item, please report this to us by e-mail or in person at the information/service desk. A corresponding commitment to pay the costs (media from the University Library / interlibrary loan) must be signed.
According to § 4 para. 5 of the user regulations, a lost or damaged book must be replaced. You can decide how you would like to replace the book:
In both cases there is an administration fee of €25.
If you have lost a locker key (long-term locker in the stacks), please report this to us by e-mail or in person at the information/service desk. The lock of the locker in question will be replaced. There will be a charge of 35 euro. You must sign an undertaking to pay the costs.
You can decide how you would like to cover the costs:
*If we debit your account with 35 euro, your library account is blocked, i.e. neither reservations nor renewals are possible. In this case, you can pay directly at the cash machine in the University Library so that your user account will be unblocked immediately. You can also transfer the fee to the RUB account:
IBAN: DE19430500010001220011 / BIC: WELADED1BOC stating the reason for payment "Replacement key for locker + LoginID".
Your library account will be automatically blocked if the fee amount of 25 euro has been reached or if the fees incurred have not been paid within 6 weeks.
In order for the borrowing, renewal and reservation functions to be reactivated, you must first pay the fees at the automatic pay station (EC payment only) in the University Library or transfer the amount using the following details:
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
IBAN DE19 4305 0001 0001 2200 11
Verwendungszweck Surname, First name + 1302110001*
Please note: To avoid blocking your library account, it is recommended that you pay the fees by EC card at the cash machine in the University Library, as it takes about 10 days for the transferred amount to reach the University Library.