Library of the Faculty of Medicine

Opening hours

  • Monday to Thursday: 8 am to 6 pm
  • Friday: 8 am to 2 pm


Library services

  • There are 75 study places available for students of the Faculty of Medicine.
  • You can obtain a locker key at the service desk by depositing your student card. The number of the key is also your seat number.
  • Please store your jacket, bag, rucksack and food in the locker in front of the library. Take what you need to study (and a bottle of water) with you to your study area. When you leave the library, empty your locker and exchange the key for your student card.

Do you have any questions? We will be happy to help you.

Icon book suggestion

Book suggestion

You are welcome to contact us or send us an e-mail, we will be happy to help.


Use and stock
  • The library of the Faculty of Medicine is a reference library and a place of study and learning for students of the Faculty of Medicine.
  • The library collection includes around 45,000 volumes and 72 current e-journals.
  • Books, e-books, journals and e-journals are listed in the RUB PRIMO Catalogue and marked with the location "Medizin (MABF 0/587)".
  • The books in our branch library in the Johannes Wesling Clinic in Minden are marked in the RUB PRIMO Catalogue with the addition "Medizin (MABF 0/587) / Standort Minden".
  • A large part of the media belong to our extensive textbook collection, which includes current literature to prepare you for your courses and examinations. The textbooks are marked with the suffix "Lb" on the shelfmark and are located at the beginning of our library. You can also find many textbooks online as e-books.
  • All books are arranged by subject group. The classification system is displayed at the front of the respective shelves. You will also find displays on the shelves where the subject group begins.
  • Newly purchased books can be found on the special table at the service desk.
  • There is a book scanner at the service desk in the library. You will need a USB stick to save scanned content.
  • Are you cold while studying in the library? Then borrow a warm blanket from the service desk.
  • You may bring a bottle of water into the library - all other refreshments (hot or cold, liquid or solid) must unfortunately remain outside and can be consumed in the nearby former cafeteria. Thank you for your understanding.