Library of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy

The Faculty Library of Physics and Astronomy is a scientific library. It holds specialist literature relevant to physics and astronomy for the purposes of research, teaching and study and is open to all members of the RUB as well as external interested parties.

The library's holdings comprise almost 43,000 volumes. 27 journals are held on an ongoing basis and a further 370 are archived. The entire collection can be searched in the RUB PRIMO catalog.


Opening hours

  • Monday and Wednesday: 9 am to 4 pm
  • Tuesday and Thursday: 9 am to 6 pm
  • Friday: 9 am to 3 pm

Do you have questions about borrowing? About the RUB Primo catalog? Or about the library in general?
Talk to us. We are at your disposal.

Icon book suggestion

Your book suggestion

You are welcome to send us your order requests using our form.




The Faculty Library is a reference library whose holdings may be borrowed to a limited extent by employees and students of the faculty.
To borrow items, you need a valid valid LoginID and a barcode, which you can generate in the free library app "RUB Bib".
Since our collection is still managed as a reference collection with conditional lending in the RUB PRIMO catalog, some functions are not available or restricted: Renewals and reservations must be made on site or by telephone (daily from 9am to 3pm).
If the loan period is exceeded, you will be notified by e-mail.

To use this new service, you must register once in the physics group in Identity Management.

For further information on borrowing, please refer to the borrowing regulations.

Use of the library

Research and Internet workstations, WLAN

The Faculty Library has two Internet research workstations, which are primarily intended for literature searches. They can also be used for academic and study-related research. A further eight computer workstations are available to users with SÜDPOL access authorization. Accounts are issued personally to students and employees of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy in room NB 7/31-32.

There is access to the RUB WLAN in the library.

Copy possibilities

There are no printing and copying facilities in the library. You can still make copies at the Copy Center in the SSC building (SSC 01/219). Other providers can be found in the Uni-Center and the Campus-Center.In der Bibliothek gibt es keine Druck- und Kopiermöglichkeiten.


Guided tours through the faculty library

At the beginning of the winter semester, we offer group tours of the Faculty Library together with the Physics and Astronomy Student Council. During a tour you will get to know the library and learn important information about borrowing and use.
But if you want to know more, e.g. about using the online catalog, book research, textbook collection, electronic library, we are always happy to help.

Your library team

Links/Specialized research



Theses, University Publications

Since 1972, the Faculty Library's collection has also included university theses (dissertations, habilitation theses) and final theses (diploma, bachelor's and master's theses) written by graduates of the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy.
They are sorted in numerical order, shelved in our office and archive and listed in the RUB Primo catalog. They can be used on site and can be borrowed to a limited extent by employees and students of the faculty.


The "Textbook Long-Term Loan"

Borrowing mode "Textbook long-term loan"

Thanks to tuition fees, since the summer semester 2007 we have been able to offer you literature relevant to lectures, which is available for loan in large numbers.
The loan period is a whole semester, renewals and reservations are not possible.
The stock is arranged alphabetically, with the shelfmark "LL .." and a sticker "VON UNS FÜR UNS".
Lecturers and students can send suggestions for new textbooks to Dr. Horst Fichtner.

Astronomy, Astrophysics

Bennett, Jeffrey:
Astronomie : die kosmische Perspektive

Carroll, Bradley W.:
An introduction to modern astrophysics

Conti, Peter S.:
From luminous hot stars to starburst galaxies

Demtröder, Wolfgang:
Bd. 4. Kern-, Teilchen- und Astrophysik

Draine, Bruce T.:
Physics of the interstellar and intergalactic medium

Karttunen, Hannu [Hrsg.]:
Fundamental astronomy

Gaisser, Thomas K.:
Cosmic rays and particle physics

Harwit, Martin:
Astrophysical concepts

Hawley, John F.:
Foundations of modern cosmology

Lambourne, Robert J.:
Relativity, gravitation and cosmology

Lamers, Henny J. G. L. M.:
Introduction to stellar winds

Léna, Pierre:
Observational astrophysics

Lequeux, James:
The interstellar medium

Prialnik, Dina:
An introduction to the theory of stellar structure and evolution

Schmitz, Norbert:

Schneider, Peter:
Einführung in die extragalaktische Astronomie und Kosmologie

Schneider, Peter:
Extragalactic astronomy and cosmology
an introduction

Serjeant, Stephen:
Observational cosmology

Sigl, Günter:
Astroparticle physics : theory and phenomenology

Sparke, Linda S.:
Galaxies in the universe : an introduction

Stanev, Todor:
High energy cosmic rays

Thorne, Kip:
The science of interstellar

Unsöld, Albrecht:
Der neue Kosmos

Weigert, Alfred:
Astronomie und Astrophysik : ein Grundkurs

Zuber, Kai:
Neutrino physics


Mortimer, Charles E.:
Chemie : das Basiswissen der Chemie


Bishop, Christopher:
Pattern recognition and machine learning
Signatur: LL BIS

Heck, André:
Introduction to Maple
Signatur: LL HEC

Langtangen, Hans Petter:
A primer on scientific programming with Python
Signatur: LL LAN

Walz, Alexander:
Maple 7 : Rechnen und Programmieren
Signatur: LL WAL

Electrodynamics, Optics

Demtröder, Wolfgang:
Bd. 2: Elektrizität und Optik
Signatur: LL DEM

Fließbach, Torsten:
Lehrbuch zur theoretischen Physik
Bd. 2: Elektrodynamik
Signatur: LL FLI

Greiner, Walter:
Theoretische Physik
Bd. 3: Klassische Elektrodynamik
Signatur: LL GRE

Griffiths, David J.:
Elektrodynamik : eine Einführung
Signatur: LL GRI

Griffiths, David J.:
Introduction to electrodynamics
Signatur: LL GRI

Jackson, John D.:
Klassische Elektrodynamik
Signatur: LL JAC

Nolting, Wolfgang:
Grundkurs theoretische Physik
Bd. 3: Elektrodynamik
Signatur: LL NOL

Scheck, Florian:
Theoretische Physik
Bd. 3: Klassische Feldtheorie
Signatur: LL SCHE

Solid state physics

Ashcroft, Neil W.:
Solid state physics
Signatur: LL ASH

Bechstedt, Friedhelm:
Principles of surface physics
Signatur: LL BEC

Blundell, Stephen:
Magnetism in condensed matter
Signatur: LL BLU

Chaikin, Paul M.:
Principles of condensed matter physics
Signatur: LL CHA

Demtröder, Wolfgang:
Bd. 3: Atome, Moleküle und Festkörper
Signatur: LL DEM

Finnis, Mike:
Interatomic forces in condensed matter
Signatur: LL FIN

Furrer, Albert:
Neutron scattering in condensed matter physics
Signatur: LL FUR

Getzlaff, Mathias:
Fundamentals of magnetism : with 18 tables
Signatur: LL GET

Göbel, Holger:
Einführung in die Halbleiter-Schaltungstechnik
Signatur: LL GÖB

Groß, Axel:
Theoretical surface science
Signatur: LL GRO

Ibach, Harald:
Signatur: LL IBA

Kittel, Charles:
Einführung in die Festkörperphysik
Signatur: LL KIT

Kopitzki, Konrad:
Einführung in die Festkörperphysik
Signatur: LL KOP

Lovesey, Stephen W.:
Theory of neutron scattering from condensed matter
Bd. 1. Nuclear scattering
Signatur: LL LOV

Lovesey, Stephen W.:
Theory of neutron scattering from condensed matter
Bd. 2: Polarization effects and magnetic scattering
Signatur: LL LOV

Lovesey, Stephen W.:
X-ray scattering and absorption by magnetic materials
Signatur: LL LOV

Masel, Richard I.:
Principles of adsorption and reaction on solid surfaces
Signatur: LL MAS

Pettifor, David G.:
Bonding and structure of molecules and solids
Signatur: LL PET

Porter, David A.:
Phase transformations in metals and alloys
Signatur: LL POR

Stöhr, Joachim:
Magnetism : from fundamentals to nanoscale dynamics
Signatur: LL STÖ

Sutton, Adrian P.:
Electronic structure of materials
Signatur: LL SUT

Thorne, Kip S.:
The science of interstellar
Signatur: LL THO

Woodruff, David P.:
Modern techniques of surface science
Signatur: LL WOO

Material physics

Herlach, Dieter M:
Metastable solids from undercooled melts
Signatur: LL HER

Herlach, Dieter M. [Hrsg.]:
Solidification of containerless undercooled melts
Signatur: LL HER


Arens, Tilo:
Signatur: LL ARE

Arens, Tilo:
Arbeitsbuch Mathematik : Aufgaben, Hinweise, Lösungen und Lösungswege zu Arens Mathematik
Signatur: LL ARE

Courant, Richard:
Methoden der mathematischen Physik, Bd.1
Signatur: LL COU

Courant, Richard:
Methoden der mathematischen Physik, Bd.2
Signatur: LL COU

Fischer, Gerd:
Lineare Algebra
Signatur: LL FIS

Fischer, Helmut:
Mathematik für Physiker
Bd. 1: Grundkurs
Signatur: LL FIS

Fischer, Helmut:
Mathematik für Physiker
Bd. 2: Gewöhnliche und partielle Differentialgleichungen, mathematische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik
Signatur: LL FIS

Fischer, Helmut:
Mathematik für Physiker
Bd. 3: Variationsrechnung, Differentialgeometrie, mathematische Grundlagen der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie
Signatur: LL FIS

Forster, Otto:
Bd. 1: Differential- und Integralrechnung einer Veränderlichen
Signatur: LL FOR

Forster, Otto:
Bd. 2: Differentialrechnung im IR n, gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen
Signatur: LL FOR

Furlan, Peter:
Das gelbe Rechenbuch
Bd. 1: Lineare Algebra, Differentialrechnung
Signatur: LL FUR

Furlan, Peter:
Das gelbe Rechenbuch
Bd. 2: Integralrechnung, mehrdimensionale Differentialrechnung, mehrdimensionale Integralrechnung
Signatur: LL FUR

Furlan, Peter:
Das gelbe Rechenbuch
Bd. 3: Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen, Funktionentheorie, Integraltransformationen, partielle Differentialgleichungen
Signatur: LL FUR

Königsberger, Konrad:
Analysis 1
Signatur: LL KÖN

Königsberger, Konrad:
Analysis 2
Signatur: LL KÖN

Korsch, Hans-Jürgen:
Mathematische Ergänzungen zur Einführung in die Physik
Signatur: LL KOR

Meyberg, Kurt:
Höhere Mathematik
Bd. 1: Differential- und Integralrechnung, Vektor- und Matrizenrechnung
Signatur: LL MEY

Meyberg, Kurt:
Höhere Mathematik
Bd. 2: Differentialgleichungen, Funktionentheorie, Fourier-Analysis, Variationsrechnung
Signatur: LL MEY

Otto, Markus:
Rechenmethoden für Studierende der Physik im ersten Jahr
Signatur: LL OTT

Riley, Kenneth F.:
Essential mathematical methods for the physical sciences
Signatur: LL RIL

Riley, Kenneth F.:
Foundation mathematics for the physical sciences
Signatur: LL RIL

Storch, Uwe:
Lehrbuch der Mathematik
Bd. 1: Analysis einer Veränderlichen
Signatur: LL STO

Storch, Uwe:
Lehrbuch der Mathematik
Bd. 2: Lineare Algebra
Signatur: LL STO

Storch, Uwe:
Lehrbuch der Mathematik
Bd. 3: Analysis mehrerer Veränderlicher - Integrationstheorie
Signatur: LL STO

Mechanics, Acoustics, Chaos

Demtröder, Wolfgang:
Bd. 1: Mechanik und Wärme
Signatur: LL DEM

Fließbach, Torsten:
Lehrbuch zur theoretischen Physik
Bd. 1: Mechanik
Signatur: LL FLI

Fließbach, Torsten:
Arbeitsbuch zur theoretischen Physik
Signatur: LL FLI

Greiner, Walter:
Theoretische Physik
Bd. 1 Kinematik und Dynamik der Punktteilchen, Relativität
Signatur: LL GRE

Greiner, Walter:
Theoretische Physik
Bd. 2: Teilchensysteme, Lagrange-Hamiltonsche Dynamik, nichtlineare Phänomene
Signatur: LL GRE

Kuypers, Friedhelm:
Klassische Mechanik
Signatur: LL KUY

Landau, Lev D.:
Mechanik : mit einem biographischen Artikel von E. M. Lifschitz über Lew Davidowitsch Landau
Signatur: LL LAN

Nolting, Wolfgang:
Grundkurs theoretische Physik
Bd. 1: Klassische Mechanik
Signatur: LL NOL

Nolting, Wolfgang:
Grundkurs theoretische Physik
Bd. 2: Analytische Mechanik
Signatur: LL NOL

Peitgen, Heinz-Otto:
Chaos and fractals : new frontiers of science
Signatur: LL PEI

Scheck, Florian:
Theoretische Physik
Bd. 1: Mechanik
Signatur: LL SCHE

Medical physics

Faller, Adolf:
Der Körper des Menschen : Einführung in Bau und Funktion
Signatur: LL FAL

Mäntele, Werner:
Signatur: LL MÄN

Physics - general

Meschede, Dieter:
Gerthsen Physik
Signatur: LL GER

Halliday, David:
Signatur: LL HAL

Halliday, David:
Halliday Physik : 880 Lösungen
Signatur: LL HAL

Tipler, Paul A.:
Signatur: LL TIP

Mills, David [Hrsg.]:
Arbeitsbuch zu Tipler
Signatur: LL TIP

Didactics of physics

Chalmers, Alan F.:
Wege der Wissenschaft
Signatur: LL CHA

Kircher, Ernst:
Signatur: LL KIR

Labudde, Peter [Hrsg.]:
Fachdidaktik Naturwissenschaft
Signatur: LL FAC

Backhaus, Udo:
Fokus Physik
Gymnasium 5/6 : [Schülerbd.]
Signatur: LL FD-COR

Backhaus, Udo:
Fokus Physik
Gymnasium 7-9 : [Schülerbd.]
Signatur: LL FD-COR

Meyer, Lothar [Hrsg.]:
Gymnasiale Oberstufe
Signatur: LL FD-DUD

Feldmann, Christian:
Impulse Physik
für die Klassen 5/6 im achtjährigen Bildungsgang der Gymnasien in Nordrhein-Westfalen
Signatur: LL FD-KLE

Feldmann, Christian:
Impulse Physik
für die Klassen 7-9 im achtjährigen Bildungsgang der Gymnasien in Nordrhein-Westfalen
Signatur: LL FD-KLE

Bredthauer, Wilhelm:
Impulse Physik
Oberstufe : Einführungsphase, [auf der Grundlage der Ausgabe Impulse Physik Oberstufe]
Signatur: LL FD-KLE

Bredthauer, Wilhelm:
Impulse Physik
Oberstufe, [auf der Grundlage der bisherigen Ausgabe Impulse Physik 2]
Signatur: LL FD-KLE

Grehn, Joachim:
Metzler Physik
Signatur: LL FD-SCH

Dorn, Friedrich [Begr.]:
Physik: Gymnasium SEK II
Signatur: LL FD-SCH

Dorn, Friedrich [Begr.]:
Physik: Gymnasium SEK II
Signatur: LL FD-SCH

Appel, Thomas:
Spektrum Physik : Gymnasium NRW 5/6
Signatur: LL FD-SCH

Appel, Thomas:
Spektrum Physik : Gymnasium NRW 7-9
Signatur: LL FD-SCH

Wiesner, Hartmut [Hrsg.]:
Physikdidaktik kompakt
Signatur: LL PHY

Rost, Detlef H.:
Interpretation und Bewertung pädagogisch-psychologischer Studien : eine Einführung
Signatur: LL ROS

Plasma physics

Bellan, Paul M.:
Fundamentals of plasma physics
Signatur: LL BEL

Bestehorn, Michael:
Hydrodynamik und Strukturbildung : mit einer kurzen Einführung in die Kontinuumsmechanik
Signatur: LL BES

Boyd, Thomas J. M.:
The physics of plasmas
Signatur: LL BOY

Chen, Francis F.:
Introduction to plasma physics and controlled fusion
Bd. 1: Plasma physics
Signatur: LL CHE

Greiner, Walter:
Theoretische Physik, Hydrodynamik
Signatur: LL GRE

Landau, L. D.:
Lehrbuch der Theoretischen Physik, Band 6: Hydrodynamik
Signatur: LL LAN

Lieberman, Michael A.:
Principles of plasma discharges and materials processing
Signatur: LL LIE

Piel, Alexander:
Plasma physics : an introduction to laboratory, space and fusion Plasmas
Signatur: LL PIE

Quantum physics

Abrikosov, A. A.:
Methods of quantum field theory in statistical physics
Signatur: LL ABR

Alonso, Marcelo:
Quantenphysik und statistische Physik
Signatur: LL ALO

Amsler, Claude:
Kern- und Teilchenphysik
Signatur: LL AMS

Fließbach, Torsten:
Lehrbuch zur theoretischen Physik
Bd. 3: Quantenmechanik
Signatur: LL FLI

Greiner, Walter:
Theoretische Physik
Bd. 4: Quantenmechanik : Einführung
Signatur: LL GRE

Griffiths, David J.:
Quantenmechanik : [Lehr- und Übungsbuch]
Signatur: LL GRI

Griffiths, David J.:
Introduction to quantum mechanics
Signatur: LL GRI

Halzen, Francis:
Quarks and leptons
Signatur: LL HAL

Kiselev, Valerij G.:
Introduction to quantum field theory
Signatur: LL KIS

Lancaster, Tom:
Quantum field theory for the gifted amateur
Signatur: LL LAN

Landau, Lev D.:
Klassische Feldtheorie
Signatur: LL LAN

Landau, Lev D.:
Signatur: LL LAN

Landau, Lev D.:
Lehrbuch der theoretischen Physik
Bd. 4: Quantenelektrodynamik
Signatur: LL LAN

Larkoski, Andrew J.:
Elementary particle physics : an intuitive introduction
Signatur: LL LAR

Mandl, Franz:
Quantum field theory
Signatur: LL MAN

Martin, Brian R.:
Nuclear and particle physics
Signatur: LL MAR

Nolting, Wolfgang:
Grundkurs theoretische Physik
Bd. 5.1: Quantenmechanik – Grundlagen
Signatur: LL NOL

Nolting, Wolfgang:
Grundkurs theoretische Physik
Bd. 5.2: Methoden und Anwendungen
Signatur: LL NOL

Nolting, Wolfgang:
Grundkurs theoretische Physik
Bd. 7: Viel-Teilchen-Theorie
Signatur: LL NOL

Perkins, Donald H.:
Introduction to high energy physics
Signatur: LL PER

Peskin, Michael E.:
An introduction to quantum field theory
Signatur: LL PES

Ramond, Pierre:
Field theory : a modern primer
Signatur: LL RAM

Sakurai, Jun J.:
Modern quantum mechanics
Signatur: LL SAK

Scheck, Florian:
Theoretische Physik
Bd. 2: Nichtrelativistische Quantentheorie
Signatur: LL SCHE

Schwabl, Franz:
Quantenmechanik : eine Einführung (QM I)
Signatur: LL SCHW

Schwabl, Franz:
Quantenmechanik für Fortgeschrittene (QM II)
Signatur: LL SCHW

Thomson, Mark:
Modern particle physics
Signatur: LL THO

Vasil'ev, Aleksandr N.:
The field theoretic renormalization group in critical behavior theory and stochastic dynamics
Signatur: LL VAS

Vasil'ev, Aleksandr N.:
Functional methods in quantum field theory and statistical physics
Signatur: LL VAS

White, Robert M.:
Quantum theory of magnetism : magnetic properties of materials ; with 10 tables
Signatur: LL WHI

Theory of relativity

Carroll, Sean:
Spacetime and geometry
Signatur: LL CAR

Nolting, Wolfgang:
Grundkurs theoretische Physik
Bd. 4: Spezielle Relativitätstheorie, Thermodynamik
Signatur: LL NOL

Thorne, Kip S.:
The science of Interstellar
Signatur: LL THO

Statistical physics

Fließbach, Torsten:
Lehrbuch zur theoretischen Physik
Bd. 4: Statistische Physik
Signatur: LL FLI

Goeke, Klaus:
Statistik und Thermodynamik : eine Einführung für Bachelor und Master
Signatur: LL GOE

Itzykson, Claude:
Statistical field theory
Bd. 1. From Brownian motion to renormalization and lattice gauge theory
Signatur: LL ITZ

Itzykson, Claude:
Statistical field theory
Bd. 2. Strong coupling, Monte Carlo methods, conformal field theory, and random systems
Signatur: LL ITZ

Landau, L. D.:
Course of theoretical physics
Bd. 5: Statistical physics
Signatur: LL LAN

Nolting, Wolfgang:
Grundkurs theoretische Physik
Bd. 6: Statistische Physik
Signatur: LL NOL

Schwabl, Franz:
Statistische Mechanik
Signatur: LL SCHW

Measurement methods and Engineering

Als-Nielsen, Jens:
Elements of modern X-ray physics
Signatur: LL ALS

Horowitz, Paul:
Die hohe Schule der Elektronik
Bd. 1: Analogtechnik
Signatur: LL HOR

Horowitz, Paul:
The art of electronics
Signatur: LL HOR

Wong, Samuel S. M.:
Computational methods in physics and engineering
Signatur: LL WON


Chair libraries

The chair libraries are managed by the chairs themselves.
Their holdings are recorded for the RUB Primo Catalog by the staff of the Faculty Library.
The books in the chair libraries have the following shelfmarks

EPI- || EPIV- || EPV- || TPI- || TPII- || TPIII- || TPIV- || FD-


Experimentalphysik I | EPI-
Fon  0234 32 23561 | Room NB 2/131

Experimentalphysik IV | EPIV-
Fon 0234 32 23650 | Room NB 4/131

Experimentalphysik V | EPV-
Ms S. Hentrich
Fon 0234 32 26218 | Room ND 04/67

Theoretische Physik I | TPI-
Ms. I. Bergholz
Fon 0234 32 23764 | Room NB 7/156

Theoretische Physik II | TPII-
Ms. S. Hohmann
Fon 0234 32 23707 | Room NB 6/152

Theoretische Physik III | TPIII-
Ms. K. Ludwig
Fon 0234 32 24844 | Room NB 6/55

Theoretische Physik IV | TPIV-
Fon 0234 32 26710 | Room NB 7/55

Fachdidaktik | FD-
Ms. D. Hassinger
Fon 0234 32 23725 | Room NB 3/126





Internship library

The practical library is open to all participants in the physics practical courses. Stocks of the practical library are located in the office room of the faculty library. The books can be borrowed at the information desk with a student ID. They must also be returned there. The loan period is one month.

You can find information about your physics practical course here.


Publications by Faculty members

These books can be found in the reading area and can not be borrowed.
We are grateful to all persons, who have donated a book and, thus, have contributed to make this collection possible - THANK YOU!

The following fields are represented:

Astronomy, Astrophysics, Cosmology, (Space Flight)

Dettmar, Ralf-Jürgen [Hrsg.]:  
International Conference The Magnetized Plasma in Galaxy Evolution <2004, Kraków>:
The magnetized plasma in galaxy evolution

Dettmar, Ralf-Jürgen [Hrsg.]:  
Dwarf Galaxies and their environment : 40th meeting of the Graduiertenkolleg "The Magellanic Clouds and other Dwarf Galaxies"

Hüttemeister, Susanne [Hrsg.]:  
The evolution of starbursts : the 331st Wilhelm and Else Heraeus Seminar

Lazar, Marian [Hrsg.]:  
Kappa distributions : from observational evidences via controversial predictions to a consistent theory of nonequilibrium plasmas

Pohl, Martin:  
Einführung in die Hochenergieastrophysik

Scherer, Klaus [Hrsg.]:  
The outer heliosphere beyond the planets

Scherer, Klaus [Hrsg.]:  
Space weather : the physics behind a slogan

Schindler, Karl:  
Physics of space plasma activity

Schlickeiser, Reinhard:  
Cosmic ray astrophysics

Schlickeiser, Reinhard [Hrsg.]:  
Plasma turbulence and energetic particles in astrophysics : Proceedings of the International Conference, Cracow (Poland), 5-10 September 1999

Shalchi, Andreas:  
Nonlinear cosmic ray diffusion theories

Solid state physics

Efetov, Konstantin:  
Supersymmetry in disorder and chaos

Zabel, Hartmut [Hrsg.]:  
Graphite intercalation compounds

Zabel, Hartmut [Hrsg.]:  
Graphite intercalation compounds

Zabel, Hartmut:  
Kurzlehrbuch Physik : 42 Tabellen

Zabel, Hartmut [Hrsg.]:  
Magnetic heterostructures : advances and perspectives in spinstructures and spintransport

Zabel, Hartmut [Hrsg.]:  
Magnetic nanostructures : spin dynamics and spin transport

Zabel, Hartmut [Hrsg.]:  
Surface x-ray and neutron scattering : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference, Physik Zentrum, Bad Honnef, Fed. Rep. of Germany June 25-28, 1991

Nuclear physics

Glöckle, Walter:  
The quantum mechanical few body problem

Glöckle, Walter [Hrsg.]:  
International Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics <17, 2003, Durham, NC>:
Few-body problems in physics : proceedings of the Seventeenth International IUPAP Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Few-Body 17), Durham, NC, USA, 5 - 10 June, 2003

Träbert, Elmar:  
Radioaktivität : was man wissen muss ; eine allgemeinverständliche Darstellung

Träbert, Elmar:  
Radioaktivität - verständlich

Material physics

Herlach, Dieter M. [Hrsg.]:  
Solidification of containerless undercooled melts

Medical physics

Zabel, Hartmut:  
Medical physics
Bd. 1: Physical aspects of organs and imaging

Zabel, Hartmut:  
Medical physics
Bd. 2: Radiology, lasers, nanoparticles and prosthetics


Würtz, Rolf P. [Hrsg.]:  
Gesellschaft für Informatik / Fachgruppe Bildverstehen:
Dynamic perception : workshop of GI Section 1.0.4 "Image Understanding" and the European Networks MUHCI and ECOVISION ; Ruhr University Bochum, November 2002

Würtz, Rolf P. [Hrsg.]:  
Organic computing : with 1 table

Plasma physics

Kunze, Hans-Joachim:
Introduction to plasma spectroscopy

Shukla, P. K. [Hrsg.]:
Advances in dusty plasmas : Proceedings of the international conference on physics of dusty plasmas

Shukla, P. K. [Hrsg.]:
International Conference on Physics of Dusty Plasmas <3, 2002, Durban>:
Dusty plasmas in the new millennium / Third International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Durban, South Africa, 20 - 24 May 2002. Sponsoring organizations: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)

Shukla, P. K. [Hrsg.]:
International Workshop on the Frontiers of Modern Plasma Physics <2008, Trieste>:
Frontiers in modern plasma physics : 2008 ICTP International Workshop on the Frontiers of Modern Plasma Physics, Trieste, Italy, 14 - 25 July 2008

Shukla, Padma K.:
International Topical Conference on Plasma Science <9, 2011, Lisbon>:
International Topical Conference on Plasma Science : strongly coupled ultra-cold and quantum plasmas

Shukla, Padma K.:
Introduction to dusty plasma physics

Shukla, P. K. [Hrsg.]:
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics:
Joint ITER-IAEA-ICTP advanced workshop on fusion and plasma physics : Trieste, Italy, 3 - 14 October 2010

Shukla, P. K. [Hrsg.]:
International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas <5, 2008, Ponta Delgada>:
Multifacets of dusty plasmas / Fifth International Conference on the Physics of Dusty Plasmas, Ponta Delgada, [San Miguel], Azores, Portugal, 18 - 23 May 2008. Sponsoring organizations: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP)

Shukla, P. K. [Hrsg.]:
College on Plasma Physics <2007, Trieste>:
New aspects of plasma physics : proceedings of the 2007 ICTP Summer College on Plasma Physics

Shukla, P. K. [Hrsg.]:
College on Plasma Physics <2009, Trieste>:
New developments in nonlinear plasma physics : proceedings of the 2009 ICTP Summer College on Plasma Physics and International Symposium on Cutting Edge Plasma Physics, in honor of Professor Lennart Stenflo's 70th birthday, Trieste, Italy, 10-28 August 2009

Shukla, P. K. [Hrsg.]:
Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics:
New frontiers in advanced plasma physics : proceedings of the 2010 ICTP International Advanced Workshop on the Frontiers of Plasma Physics, 5 - 16 July 2010, Trieste, Italy

Statistical physics

Goeke, Klaus:  
Statistik und Thermodynamik : eine Einführung für Bachelor und Master

Stock of journals

The entire journal collection of the Faculty Library is listed in the RUB Primo Catalog as well as in the journal database (ZDB).

Almost all subscriptions have been converted to e-only. Print editions are arranged alphabetically by title in the journal display.
Titles at risk of theft (such as "Bild der Wissenschaft", "C't", "Physik in unserer Zeit", "Spektrum der Wissenschaft") are kept at the information desk.

The bound issues are arranged alphabetically either on the library magazine shelves or in the archive.

Individual volumes of journals or journal-like series are treated as monographs and are signed.

Electronic journals in the field of physics can be accessed via the Electronic Journals Library (EZB).


Der gesamte Zeitschriftenbestand der Fakultätsbibliothek ist im RUB Primo Katalog  wie auch in der Zeitschriftendatenbank (ZDB) nachgewiesen.

Fast alle Abonnements wurden auf E-only umgestellt. Printausgaben liegen alphabetisch nach Titeln geordnet in der Zeitschriftenauslage.
Diebstahlgefährdete Titel (wie "Bild der Wissenschaft", "C't", "Physik in unserer Zeit", "Spektrum der Wissenschaft") werden an der Info-Theke aufbewahrt.

Die gebundenen Hefte stehen alphabetisch geordnet entweder in den Bibliothekszeitschriftenregalen oder im Archiv.

Einzelne Bände von Zeitschriften bzw. zeitschriftenartigen Reihen werden bei uns als Monographien behandelt und sind mit Signatur versehen.

Auf elektronische Zeitschriften des Fachgebiets Physik kann über die Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek (EZB) zugegriffen werden.