Giving life - organ donation in NRW

Exhibition in the University Library of Bochum, 1.8.-12.9.2024

© Netzwerk Organspende NRW e. V.

Ever thought about organ donation?

The University Library of Bochum is showing an exhibition by the „Netzwerks Organspende NRW e.V.“, which provides information on the subject of organ donation. It can be seen from August 1 - September 12, 2024 on the second floor during the library's opening hours.

Admission is free.

Accompanying program to the exhibition

  • "Ever thought about organ donation? Medical students explain"
    Consultation hour, 19.8.2024, 11 am - 2 pm

  • Lecture by Prof. Dr. med. René Schramm
    Specialist for heart and lung transplantation (Heart and Diabetes Center NRW, Bad Oeynhausen / University Hospital of the Ruhr University Bochum)
    28.8.2024, 5 pm - 6 pm, Room 1/09

Bochum medical students get involved

The Bochum local group „Aufklärung Organspende“ had the idea of showing the traveling exhibition of the Netzwerk Organspende NRW e.V. based on the Gesundheitscampus in Bochum in the University Library in order to offer RUB members the opportunity for information and exchange.

The commitment of the students is wide-ranging. At RUB, they have achieved the establishment of the elective subject "Organ Donation and Transplantation", which provides a comprehensive look behind the scenes of organ donation: lecturers from the German Society for Tissue Donation, the German Organ Transplantation Foundation, transplant doctors, but also organ transport drivers or transplanted persons report from practice.

Information events for high school students, lectures on individual topics such as transplantation in children and other activities - Jonas Frai, Arlinda Belegu and Paul Schneider welcome inquiries and, of course, interest in participating in the „Aufklärung Organspende“.


Bild: © Aufklärung Organspende Lokalgruppe Bochum


The "Aufklärung Organspende" of Bochum introduces itself

Have you ever thought about organ donation or do you have questions about the subject? Then you've come to the right place!

We are the Aufklärung Organspende Local Group Bochum, a working group of medical students who are members of the Federal Association of Medical Students in Germany (BVMD). We are currently 18 students at the Ruhr University in Bochum and Minden who volunteer to provide neutral information about organ and tissue donation and transplantation. Through our work, we want to ensure that more people get to grips with the subject so that they can then make an informed decision on their own - whether for or against - and record this on an organ donor card.

We have set up various projects to achieve this goal:

  • Elective subject "Organ donation and transplantation" at the Ruhr University Bochum
    We have been organizing an elective course for medical students in the preclinical and clinical stages of their studies for several semesters now. We try to provide as comprehensive a look as possible behind the scenes of organ donation. This is done by our various motivated lecturers, including those from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gewebespende, the Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation, transplant doctors, as well as organ transport drivers and transplant recipients. Students have the opportunity to ask questions at any time and gain an insight into the process of a transplant and organ procurement.

  • School visits
    According to the Transplantation Act, people who have reached the age of 16 are allowed to declare their willingness to donate organs and tissue themselves; people who have reached the age of 14 are allowed to object to organ donation. We therefore offer school visits for pupils from secondary school onwards, as well as pupils at vocational schools or professional colleagues, in which we offer a brief insight into the topic so that this sensitive issue is brought into focus and a reflected decision can be made.

  • Public relations
    Whether at university or out and about in the city - we try to reach as many people as possible in various ways. On the one hand, we have our social media account (Instagram: aufklaerungorganspende_bochum), where we regularly provide information about our campaigns as well as facts about the topic. We also carry out a number of campaigns in the Bochum and Minden area, such as a "clothesline campaign" in which we hang up organ donation cards and information material in public places for everyone to see. We have also been taking part in the organ donation run for years to raise awareness of the issue.

  • Lectures
    With the help of external lecturers, we are able to organize public lectures during the semester and thus receive and share information on various disciplines in the field of organ donation and transplantation. Lectures that have already taken place have dealt with topics such as brain death, liver transplantation in children and tissue donation.

Thanks to our many motivated members, we have been able to build up a number of projects over the years that have become established over time and have enabled us to take a big step forward in our educational work. We are therefore all the more pleased that we have been able to bring the traveling exhibition of Netzwerk Organspende NRW e.V. to the Ruhr University as a new "major project" and have found an enthusiastic organizer through our cooperation with the university library.

Local group management:

  • Location Bochum: Jonas Frai, Arlinda Belegu
  • Location Minden: Paul Schneider

Image: © Aufklärung Organspende Lokalgruppe Bochum

Printing organ donor cards in the University Library

The Netzwerk Organspende NRW has set up a terminal on the first floor of the university library until the end of the year, where you can easily print out an organ donor card yourself in just a few minutes.

Although it has been possible to register in the digital organ donor register since March 2024, it still makes sense to have an organ donor card in your pocket - at least until all clinics have completed the digitization process.


Image: © Netzwerk Organspende NRW e.V.

Image: © RUB, Stekanov