Library of the Faculty of Philology


The library entrance on floor 6 will be permanently closed from September 2024.
Please use the entrance on floor 4 in future.

Philology Library

Opening hours during the semester

  • Monday to Friday: 8.30 am to 6.30 pm

Opening hours during the semester break

  • Monday to Friday: 9.30 am to 5 pm

The library is closed on Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve and public holidays.


Service and use

Please observe the following rules:

  • Jackets may be taken into the library..
  • Please use the lockers on floors 4 and 6 to store your bags. You can obtain the corresponding keys by depositing an ID card at the information/service desk on floor 4.
  • There are a total of around 300 lockers available for use during library opening hours. Including:
    • about 100 lockers 40 or 45 cm wide
    • two oversized lockers on floor 4, in which suitcases or travel bags can be locked for a short time.
  • Please lock the lockers after use before returning the key.

Information on use


  • A book scanner is available on floor 4 of the library, which was kindly made available to the library by the research project "Journalliteratur".
  • Its use is free of charge.
  • Please remember to bring a USB stick with you. It is not possible to send the PDF files to your own e-mail address.
  • Please refer to the quick guide enclosed with the device before using it.

Study rooms

  • There are six study rooms on floor 3 available for you to participate in web conferences from the campus.
  • The rooms can be used by 2 people at a time at the following times:
    Mondays to Fridays 10 am-12 pm; 12 pm -2 pm; 2 pm-4 pm; (4 pm-6 pm).
  • Reservations are required: by telephone on 0234 32 22756, by e-mail or at the information/service desk on floor 4.
  • A maximum of 3 time slots per person and week can be booked.
  • HIRN ports are available in the rooms. Please bring a LAN cable in addition to your laptop and headset.
  • For organizational reasons, you must hand in a personal document at the information/service desk before using the room. This does not necessarily have to be your student ID.

Specialist libraries

Classical Philology

Library sigil: 294/34

Contact person

Joachim Brommauer, GB 2/52

Special features of the library

  • Please use the RUB Primo catalog first. It contains all acquisitions from 1992 onwards and some from earlier years. The card catalog in the library (floor 2, south) includes the holdings up to and including the year of publication 2009. For acquisitions made before 1992, you can also use the ZKM (Central Catalog of Monographs of the Ruhr University Libraries).


Specialized links

Arabic and Islamic Studies

Library sigil: 294/35

Contact person

Petra Jülich, GB 2/40

Special features of the library

  • In the library of Arabic and Islamic Studies, you will find around 24,000 monographs and 20 current journals.
  • The Library for Arabic and Islamic Studies is located on the north side of the 2nd floor.
  • The stock has only been recorded electronically since 1993. It is therefore advisable to search the card catalogs of the Seminar Library (floor 2, north) or the ZKM (Central Catalog of Monographs of the Ruhr University Libraries) for titles that were published earlier.
  • The card catalog, which covers the stock up to and including the year of publication 2011, has both an author and title catalog as well as a keyword and location catalog.


Specialized links


Library sigil: 294/37

Contact person

Alke Eulen, GB 3/52

Special features of the library

  • There is an article catalog containing articles and reviews from journals and anthologies from the acquisition years 1965 to 1997, i.e. articles published before 1965 are also listed. The catalog is a card catalog located in the library on floor 3, south.


Specialized links

German Studies

Library sigil: 294/23

Contact person

Joachim Brommauer, GB 2/52

Special features of the library

  • The library has around 125,000 monographs and 147 current journals available in the reading rooms.
  • Apart from the RUB Primo catalog, an alphabetical card catalog is available on the fourth floor; searching in the card catalog or alternatively in the ZKM is recommended if a title cannot be found in the RUB Primo catalog. Older titles in particular are not yet listed in the RUB Primo catalog.
  • Guide to reference works and text research (in German): A very good overview of authoritative reference works and introductions, including corresponding links to online resources. Created for the first time for the summer semester 2013 by the Department of Modern German Literature.

Systematics (from north to south)

  • 4th floor:
    • New acquisitions
    • Current journal issues
    • Reference works
    • Medieval Studies
    • Medieval Latin
    • Modern authors with associated secondary literature
      (sorted according to the year of birth of the authors from 1450)
    • Didactics
    • Anthologies / collections of texts
  • 5th floor:
    • Bound journal volumes
    • Literary Studies
    • History of Literature
    • Master's and Bachelor's theses (2001-2008)
    • Neighboring sciences (philosophy, history, etc.)
    • Ethnology

Specialized links

Comparative Literature

Library sigil: 294/61

Contact person

Alke Eulen, GB 3/52

Special features of the library

  • The books of the chair's library and the card catalogs are located on floor 5, window side.
  • Apart from the author and title catalog, the library has a subject catalog that is divided into two alphabets. The first alphabet contains personal subject headings (mainly authors) and the second subject headings. The subject headings catalog can only be used to a limited extent due to a re-signing campaign. The catalog was discontinued in mid-2009, which means that the subject headings of the new and re-signed books can only be found in the RUB Primo catalog under the search entry "Subject heading" (instead of "Title", for example).
  • Tip: Search for each subject heading with the character * at the end, as the subject headings often consist of two or more parts and only the correct and complete wording is found in the RUB Primo catalog without the truncation mentioned.


Fachliche Links

Scandinavian Studies

Contact person

Alke Eulen, GB 3/52

Special features of the library

  • The subject Scandinavian Studies has been discontinued at the Ruhr University Bochum. However, courses in the Nordic languages are offered via the ZFA. The library collection continues to be maintained, with only a few new books being added. All continuations have been canceled.
  • The books in the Scandinavian Studies section are located on floor 3 and all have a shelfmark beginning with "SK". The title records are integrated in the author and title catalog of the Department of German Studies on floor 4.
  • So far, only a few hundred Scandinavian Studies titles have been integrated into the RUB Primo catalog; especially when searching for older titles, you should use the German Studies catalog.


Specialized links

Theater Studies

Library sigil: 294/66

Contact person

Alke Eulen, GB 3/52

Special features of the library

  • The library contains around 3,000 monographs and 12 current journals.
  • The books in the library of the Institute of Theater Studies are located on the window side of floor 5.
  • The department's stock has only been recorded in the RUB Primo catalog since 1993; please use the card catalog on floor 5 to search for older titles.
  • Unbound journal issues can be consulted in the Media Studies library room.


Specialized links

Media Studies

Library sigil: 294/55

Contact person

Joachim Brommauer, GB 2/52

Special features of the library

  • The library is located on floor 5, in the southern area of the hall on the window side.
  • Current journals and reference collections can be found on floor 4, near the entrance. Back issues of journals are available in bound form on the fifth floor or in the library room (GB 5/158 (currently: GB 1/142)).
  • A large part of the former journalistic collection is located on the second floor of the educational science library.


Specialized links

English / American Studies

Library sigil: 294/20

Contact person

Ingrid Perk, GB 6/40

Stock Focus

  • English and American literature
  • William Shakespeare
  • Linguistics
  • regional studies
  • Literary theory and criticism
  • Economic and social history of Britain and America
  • Specialist dictionaries

Special features of the library

  • Overview floor 5 and 6

  • Alphabetical catalog
    While the monographs of the English Department are only fully recorded in the RUB Primo catalog from the year of acquisition 1995, the alphabetical card catalog lists the complete stock of all media of the English Department.
  • Subject catalog
    The following book collections have already been indexed:
    H section (complete)
    L section (up to LG AAA)
    S section (S AA in full, S AB in part)

  • Journal catalog of the German Research Foundation

  • Structure of the shelfmarks

  • Special features on floor 6

    • Alphabetical catalog
    • Subject catalog
    • New acquisitions shelf
    • PC for literature research (access to the RUB Primo catalog)
    • Lecture notes
    • Publications of British universities
    • Various brochures
    • CCL - Current Contents Linguistics
    • The Microbook Library of American Civilization including index books
  • Special features on floor 5

    • Borrowing stock (identified by red signature plates)
      The borrowing stock is systematized according to the same principles as the reference stock. Books from the borrowing stock can be recognized in the catalog by a red catalog card or by the addition "Ausleihe" (loan) on the (white) catalog card. The shelfmarks of the borrowing stock are given a lower case letter in the third shelfmark line after the number group, starting with "d".

Specialized links

Romance Studies

Library sigil: 294/33

Contact persons

Ingrid Perk, GB 6/40

Heike Krause-Saidi, GB 7/38

Special features of the library

  • The total stock of the library of the Department of Romance Languages comprises approx. 80,000 monographs and approx. 320 journals (including daily newspapers), of which approx. 100 are subscribed to on an ongoing basis.
  • An alphabetical catalog is available on floor 7. Also located on the seventh floor are the department reference collection, the new acquisitions shelf and a magazine for old and valuable monographs (GB 7/39, GB 7/40). The stock on floor 7 include literary studies and general reference works.
  • On floor 8 you will find linguistics, dictionaries of a linguistic nature (green shelfmarks) and the journals of the department.


Specialized links

Language learning research

Library sigil: 294/42

Contact person

Alke Eulen, GB 3/52

Special features of the library

  • The total stock of the library of the Department of Language Learning Research comprises approx. 23,000 monographs and 25 journals, which were subscribed to by the end of 2016. Most of the stock are listed in the RUB Primo catalog.
  • The subject of language teaching research was discontinued at the Ruhr University Bochum. The library collection continues to be maintained, with only a few new books being added. All continuations have been canceled or taken over by other departments.


Specialized links

Slavic Studies

Library sigil: 294/36

Contact person

Alke Eulen, GB 3/52

Special features of the library

  • The current stock of the Slavic library of approx. 55,000 volumes and 85 current journal subscriptions is the result of collecting activities since 1966.
  • Collection areas
    • Languages: Russian, Serbo-Croatian, Czech, Polish, Bulgarian, Sorbian, Slovak, Belarusian, Ukrainian
    • Systematics: language theory, description of recent Slavic individual languages, language history / semiotics / literary theory, literary history, authors / regional studies

The library has a systematic catalog on site and PCs for conducting literature searches in the RUB Primo catalog.


Specialized links